Safeguards for all Volunteers representing Belmont PTA
We all have a duty of care to show that:
- All volunteers working any Belmont PTA (BHSA) event whilst on Belmont School premises must be aware of The Belmont School Safeguarding Policy. Make sure Belmont PTA (BHSA) volunteers are aware they can raise safeguarding concerns. Concerns regarding any child protection issues at any event must report to school child protection leads.
- All key volunteers running an event must hold a DBS. To arrange this the contact is Michelle at reception who will guide you through the process.
- When working events on school premises it’s important to ensure you are not on your own. For the safety of you and others you must be at the event with other volunteers and depending on such event and staffing a school representative should also be asked to attend.
- Please familiarise yourself with who are the school designated first aiders. It’s important at large events to ensure a first aider is also asked to attend. Please follow link to see who there are
- When using social media communications do check prior to sending out posts on use of words and phrases to not cause any offensive and comply with Belmont Primary School’s social media policy.
- Attend fair or event meetings with the Belmont PTA (BHSA) Committee to raise any concerns, conflicts or issues you’re experiencing for support and guidance. This resource of supervision is for your benefit to have concerns minuted by the Committee
- At events we wish to prevent any complaint / conflict so being respectful at all times, working as part of a team and ensuring a safe environment is paramount
- During any event where there has been a breakdown of communication amongst volunteers it must be raised with the event lead in the first instance and escalated to the Committee to help be resolved and volunteers feel supported
- Please familiarise yourself with the Schools Parent Code of Practice
- Work with Belmont PTA (BHSA) and school staff members (if present) to resolve any on site issues or concerns that may occur
- If any serious allegation is made against any member of the Belmont PTA (BHSA) or one of its volunteers this will be directed and passed on to Belmont school
- If a situation arises where a child or children at an event run by the Belmont PTA (BHSA) on school premises, is displaying any challenging or disrespectful behaviour, towards a volunteer or other child, where appropriate clarify the version of events carmly and appropriately on what’s occurred to resolve the conflict and inform another member of your team (or school representative) This will then be discussed at a meeting held by the Belmont PTA (BHSA) and School leads if advised for further advice
- It’s important to refrain from using photography without consent from parents at any event. If you would like an event to be recorded or a parent/guardian has requested this regarding their child, then ask advice from School and if approved proceed to get written consent from the parent/guardian. Please refer to school consent policy on Belmont School Website for further advice
- If food or drink is being served at a Belmont PTA (BHSA) held eventvolunteers are to check with school on children with allergies
- Where there is an event and the handling of cash is involved speak to the Treasurer (or delegated Committee member if Treasurer is unavailable) for further guidance
Other Policies
Volunteering for Belmont School
Register your interest to be a volunteer, class rep or committee member.