PTA Constitution
- The name of the Association shall be the Belmont Home School Association.
- The OBJECTS of the Association are;
- to advance the education of the pupils of the School by providing and assisting in the provision of facilities for education at the School (excluding finance for staff);
- to facilitate the collection of monies to contribute to the School core (non staff payroll) funding requirements through additional fundraising scheme/s as appropriate;
- to foster more extended relationships between the staff, parents and carers and others associated with the School; and
- to engage in activities which support the School and advance the education of the pupils attending it.
- The Association shall be non-political and operate as a registered Charity and act within applicable regulations as issued from time to time by the Charity Commission for England and Wales.
- The Head Teacher shall be the Honorary President of the Association (but not necessarily a Staff Committee Member (as defined below)).
- There shall be no subscription. Membership shall consist of all parents or carers with children at the School, and all teaching and non-teaching staff.
- The management and control of the Association shall be vested in a Committee which shall consist of the following members (the Committee Members), who shall also (ex officio) be the trustees of the charity: i. a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Treasurer, a Secretary, all parents or carers of children at the School, each of whom has been either been elected by the members in general meeting or co-opted by the Committee pursuant to clause 13; provided that neither Parent Governors nor candidates for the post of Parent Governor shall be eligible for these posts; ii. up to two other parents or carers of children at the School (having such roles and titles as the Committee may determine), each of whom has been either been elected by the members in general meeting or co-opted by the Committee pursuant to clause 13; provided that neither Parent Governors nor candidates for the post of Parent Governor shall be eligible for these posts; iii. at the discretion of the Committee, up to two members of the School staff (the Staff Committee Members), to be nominated by the Head Teacher.
- Staff Committee Members, where there would otherwise be no Staff Committee Member present at a meeting of the Committee, may by notice to the Chairperson in advance of such meeting appoint any other member of the School staff to attend that meeting in his or her place; provided that any person so attending shall do so as an observer, shall not count towards the quorum or be entitled to vote and shall not be considered a charity trustee.
- Committee meetings shall be held at least once a term at such times as the Committee shall direct. At any meeting of the Committee a majority of Committee Members shall constitute a quorum. Decisions of the Committee may be taken other than at meetings provided the subject matter has been duly notified in advance to all Committee Members, in reasonable time to allow them to vote or otherwise express their views, and approved by a majority of Committee Members.
- The Annual General Meeting of the Association shall be held in the Autumn term of each year. At the AGM the chair shall be taken by the Chairperson or in his/her absence the Vice Chairperson of the Committee.
- TWENTY members shall constitute a quorum at the Annual General Meeting.
- The Committee shall have the power to appoint any sub-committee and shall prescribe the function of any such sub-committee.
- A special General Meeting shall be convened and the request in writing to the Secretary of TEN members of the Association. Such a meeting shall be held within THIRTY days of the request. Agendas and motions shall be circulated to all members.
- Casual vacancies on the Committee may be filled by the Committee by co-option. Any person so co-opted shall serve only until the next AGM, when they may stand for election.
- A turnover of the Committee members is deemed healthy to the BHSA. Where sufficient proposals of new members allow, no member shall serve on the Committee for more than three years after his or her election at an AGM and one full year must elapse after standing down before they are eligible for re-election. In the event that no new members are proposed then existing members may continue in office and/or be elected before the one year standing down arrangement, until such time as new members are proposed and elected to the Committee.
- When a child leaves the school then the parent or carer shall cease to be a member of the Association.
- No alteration of the Constitution may be made except at the AGM or at a special meeting called for this purpose and any alteration must be carried by a two-thirds majority. No alteration or amendment shall be made to the objects clause or dissolution clause which would cause the Association to cease to be a charity at law.
- Each class within the School shall designate up to three parents or carers (who are neither Committee Members nor Parent Governors) as its representatives for purposes of BHSA activities (Class Representatives). Class Representatives shall lead and organise their respective classes’ contributions to the Christmas and Summer Fairs and to other fundraising and social initiatives that further the objects of the Association. The Committee shall, through regular meetings with the Class Representatives or otherwise as appropriate, ensure that parents/carers are kept informed as to plans for and results of fundraising activities and initiatives and as to how funds raised are applied.
- The Treasurer shall keep an account of all income and expenditure and shall submit annually at the AGM accounts that have been independently examined by a qualified accountant who is not a member of the Committee. The Association’s current and savings accounts shall be in the name of the Association. The BHSA’s financial year shall run from 1 September to 31 August. All income and expenditure shall be managed through one or other of the Association’s accounts.
- The Treasurer shall comply with all applicable requirements of the Charity Commission in relation to annual accounts and shall be responsible for submitting the Annual Return, and, if so required, the independently examined accounts approved at the AGM, to the Charity Commission within the prescribed period.
- Any assets remaining on the dissolution of the Association after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities shall not be distributed among the members of the Association but shall be given to the School for the benefit of the children in the manner which is exclusively charitable at law.
- Any matter not provided for in this Constitution shall be dealt with by the Committee whose decision shall be deemed final.
- The Head Teacher shall have the ultimate decision on matters pertaining to the teaching methods and curriculum of the School.
- The AGM and Forums may be conducted by video conference when required for public health, weather, school logistics or any other reasons as determined and agreed by the BHSA committee in advance.
Last revised 2nd March 2021.
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