About Us

About Us

Belmont Parent Teacher Association

Belmont Primary School Building - 1

Belmont PTA

We are a registered charity, Belmont Home School Association (BHSA), that aims at fundraising for Belmont Primary school and enhancing the school’s community.

Every parent or carer with a child at Belmont and all teaching and non-teaching staff are automatically a member of the PTA.


Raising money to provide enrichment opportunities for all our children. For example, year group workshops, subscriptions to curriculum enhancing tools like “now press play” and playground equipment.

Enhancing the school’s community

Organising fun events which bring our community together; encouraging parents/carers to volunteer their time to the school; creating and maintaining a group of parent Class Reps to organise school fairs, liaise with class teachers and communicate information to parents and carers in their class.

Volunteering for
Belmont PTA

Everyone plays a role in enriching our children’s experience at Belmont


  • Coordinate Belmont PTA activities for the school year
  • Ensure funds are used in line with the Constitution
  • Ensure compliance with the Charities Commission

Class Rep

  • Cascade communications to parents/ carers
  • Encourage parent/carer involvement in activities
  • Organise teacher cards and collections (voluntary)
  • Organise parent/carer social events

Parent / Carer

  • Attend Forums and Coffee Mornings
  • Stay connected through Classlist and Class Reps
  • Volunteer and join fundraising events and activities
  • Raise money through Easyfundraising

Teacher / Staff

  • Enrichment Activities
  • School redevelopment projects

Meet the Team

The Belmont Parent Teacher Association Committee Members and Trustees

PTA Committee Members & Trustees