
Everything we do is about
enriching our Children’s Experiences
at Belmont.

Enriching our Children’s Experiences at Belmont.

Ways you can volunteer and support the PTA

  • Help out at events such as Fairs, Bake Sales, and school trips
  • Become a Class Rep
  • Join the PTA Committee
  • Come to our events
  • Donate to our JustGiving page
Belmont Primary School Building - 1

Roles and Responsibilities of the PTA

The PTA Committee consists of up to 6 elected parents/carers and 2 staff members. The Committee members are also Trustees of the registered charity. The Class Reps help to organise volunteering and fundraising events while also being a liason with the teachers and their year group. The PTA relies on the amazing work of the Committee, Class Reps, parents/carers, and teachers to fulfil our aims.


The main purpose of the Chair role is to lead PTA meetings (Forums, AGM and Committee meetings) and make sure that everyone has a chance to get involved and be heard.

Vice Chair

The main purpose of the Vice Chair role is to provide support to the Chair and take their place leading meetings if the Chair is absent.


The main purpose of the Treasurer role is to keep accurate financial records and ensure best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking and making payments.


The main purpose of the Secretary role is to support the Chair to build effective communication links between the school and the PTA and maintain accurate records.

Generalist Member

The main purpose of the Generalist Member role is to provide support to the all members of the PTA Committee. Generalist Members will cover Committee roles where parent/carer volunteer members are in absence.

Class Rep

Each class needs at least one Rep, with a maximum of three Reps per class. A Rep’s tenure is one academic year, although those who wish to continue in their role are very much encouraged to do so.

Register your interest as volunteer

Thanks for volunteering your time to support  enriching your children’s experience.

Register your interest