Class Rep

Job Description & Responsibility

Class Rep

Main purpose of the Generalist Member role

Each class needs at least one Rep, with a maximum of three Reps per class. A Rep’s tenure is one academic year, although those who wish to continue in their role are very much encouraged to do so.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Summary of the Class Rep role

  • Attend half-termly PTA Forums to discuss fundraising and other initiatives. Distributing the meeting notes (prepared by the Secretary) to the class group.
  • Attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in November. A minimum of 20 people are required for the AGM.
  • Organise and run the year group’s allocated stall at the Christmas and Summer Fairs, including recruiting helpers, planning and organising the running of the stalls, and purchasing required stock for the stall.
  • Make sure all parents in the class group are signed up to Classlist for easy communication.
  • Coordination of Christmas and end of year class cards/gifts for teachers and teaching assistance/s.
  • Coordinate class social events for parents/carers (most classes have a drinks evening at a local pub sometime once a term, the regularity of the events are up to you.)
  • Facilitate communication on day-to-day issues raised by teachers or parents (e.g. snacks in class, class helpers) N.B. Reps do not have to deal with issues that are better directed to the class teacher, the Head or the Governing Body.
  • Encourage support and uptake for initiatives such as Easyfundraising/collecting supermarket vouchers, PTA events etc.
  • Promote the School community spirit
  • Recruit new Reps for the following year
  • Hold a clear DBS check completed through the school

The usual worries:

Here are some of the concerns we often hear about being a Rep and why they don’t need to be concerns!

“I am at work and won’t ever be at pick and or drop off”
Anyone can be a Class Rep. You don’t have to be in the playground every day – in fact many working parents who are never at drop off or pick up have made very successful reps in the past.

“I am new to the school and don’t feel like I will know anything, so might not be useful”
Reps change every year. Even Reps of children in the higher years may have never repped before, so in some senses, everyone is new to it. Being involved is brilliant for new parents – a really great way to quickly get a deeper insight into our school and get to know people within our community.

“I am not sure I can always make the evening Forum meetings.”
That’s OK! We like as many reps as possible to come but so long as every year group is represented, it works. Class reps sometimes take turns to attend Forums.

“I am worried about how much time I have to commit.”
Don’t worry. So long as you are available to help at the fairs and that the basic duties are fulfilled by reps across your year, it is up to you how much you choose to get involved.

We highly recommend that whatever doubts you may have, the best approach if you are interested, is to give it a go.

We welcome all help!

For further information please feel free to contact the PTA Chair or the PTA Vice Chair.

Know more about the roles and responsibilities of our Committee members


The main purpose of the Chair role is to lead PTA meetings (Forums, AGM and Committee meetings) and make sure that everyone has a chance to get involved and be heard.

Vice Chair

The main purpose of the Vice Chair role is to provide support to the Chair and take their place leading meetings if the Chair is absent.


The main purpose of the Treasurer role is to keep accurate financial records and ensure best practice procedures are followed for counting money, banking and making payments.


The main purpose of the Secretary role is to support the Chair to build effective communication links between the school and the PTA and maintain accurate records.

Generalist Member

The main purpose of the Generalist Member role is to provide support to the all members of the PTA Committee. Generalist Members will cover Committee roles where parent/carer volunteer members are in absence.
