Risk Assessment Procedure
The Belmont PTA (BHSA) Committee will decide, by simple majority, which events will take place in any school year. In the event of a tie the Chair will have the deciding vote. It is important that risks at any event are removed or minised. Health and Safety are key considerations for the Belmont PTA (BHSA). Before putting on any event one or more members will carry out a full risk assessment providing a record of its findings that can be produced in the event of an incident. The extent of the assessment will depend on the nature of the event.
The Belmont PTA (BHSA) does not expect a risk assessment to be perfect, but it must be suitable and sufficient.The Belmont PTA (BHSA) has a duty of care to show that
- It undertook a comprehensive check
- Is sought advice from the school/venue and local authority (if applicable)
- It identified who might be affected
- Appropriate steps to deal with hazards were agreed
- Precautions to reduce the risk were understood and any remaining risk was low
- All Committee members are aware of the process
Guidance on producing any risk assessment on school premises will be conducted in partnership with the School business manager. It is a joint responsibility with both the Belmont PTA (BHSA) and Belmont School to produce main risk assessments for larger events such as the Winter and Summer fairs, Disco’s for students, Quiz nights and movie nights.
If an event has NOT met guidance to ensure its safety the Belmont PTA (BHSA) have the permission with School’s backing to not proceed
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